The Stem Cell NetWork II
    Project Description
    Spatial Communication

Landscape of Expectations
    The Installation
    Ideas Production


   Planned Exhibitions  
Borrow the installation     
The Stem Cell NetWork I
   The installation
   Researcher - designer

Landscape of Expectations
Ideas →Production


Sketches from the conceptual work with with structures and the four-field


Planning the installation - work is focused on different types of content and their positioning


Sketches to the form af arguments in 'Hierarchy'
structure - shape - colours


Sketches to the form af arguments in 'Market'
structure - shape - colours


Sketches to the form af arguments in The Sect'
structure - shape - colours


Sketches to the form af arguments in 'The Islands'
structure - shape - colours


structure - shape - colours for the four-field

The concept of building blocks is developed from the abstract models of structure


Shaping the plan for the installation after having made the decision to create mobile boxes as walls



Log Book
Read about the project
Contact: Associate Professor Maja Horst, +45 3815 2826 / The project is supported by the Danish Research Council for the Hunanities