”I hear and I forget
I see and I remember
I experience and I understand”
To communicate spatially is to create new forms of space, which do other things than the flat and static modernistic space. Such a modernistic space dictates the experience as visual in nature since it focuses on visual frames. Instead of this modernistic space, which speaks to its visitors as if they were only eyes and intellect, we should create spaces which cut free from the dictatorship of the visual sense. We should emphasize at the same time the physically sensing body and the emotional life as well as the intellect. A means to do this is to use the different media to their particular strengths. Many educational displays are designed as poster exhibitions, which almost function as a series of enlarged book pages put on a wall. Maybe it is because the communicator has been taken by a wish to ‘get everything in’. But if one wants to communicate large amounts of text, one should use the book medium, where the reader can sit peacefully while she reads either before or after the experience communicated in space. At other places the poster is used instead of the three dimensional artefact, because posters are ‘easier’ and cheaper, but this is not doing the experience any favours either.Compared to poster exhibitions, spatial and sensory means of communication can be used to attract wider audience groups and induce other and stronger forms of experience. The space should influence all the bodily senses. It shouldn’t just speak to our eyes or intellect, but also to the tactile and kinaesthetic sensation. A sensory experience is stronger than a purely-visual one. A visual experience is often faster, but also faster forgotten. We should experience the world in relation to ourselves as bodies, for instance our size and temperature.With a spatial design it is possible to seek a mediation between space and visitor in order to make the space induce reactions such as physical and mental movement and interaction. Compared to traditional forms of communication, this physicality allows for a far greater openness in communication. As designer it is possible to work with open-ended statements, which are completed by the visitor: it is possible to design a number of questions and theses, but let it be up to the visitor how conclusions are drawn and interpretations made (although of course the freedom to interpret will always be shaped by certain frames). The visitor’s freedom to interpret according to her own conditions will increase by the use of different sensory media, while the linguistic predominance in traditional communication often is much less open-ended.