Maja Horst (2003): Controversy and Collectivity. Articulations of social and natural order in mass mediated representations of biotechnology. Doctoral School of Knowledge and Management, CBS. PhD.Series 28/2003 Download PDF
Maja Horst & Julie Sommerlund (2007): StamcellenetVærket – om videnskab, modstand, og muligheden for samfundsvidenskabelige laboratorier. In Lene Koch & Klaus Høyer (Eds): Håbets Teknologi. København, Munksgaard. (Uddrag)
Maja Horst (2007): Samfundsvidenskabelige laboratorier. Download PDF
Maja Horst (2004): Science Communication – a critical discussion of the report from the Danish Think Tank on Public Understanding of Science. Presented at CBS Conference on Science Communication, June 3rd 2004.
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Maja Horst (2004): Forskning skal debatteres – ikke formidles. Presented at the Science Writers conference about Science Communication, University of Copenhagen, May 18th 2004.
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Øvrige referencer:
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